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Teaching and Learning

In line with the pedagogical goals of the TED University in general, the Political Science and International Relations program incorporates interactive learning methods into its educational strategy. This requires a transformation in the classical learning and teaching processes, whereby the students usually remain as passive receivers. The use of communicative and collaborative techniques will bring about a significant shift in the learning process through enhancing student participation. We strongly believe that letting the students perform active roles in the learning process will not only prepare them for their future career as experts of politics and international relations but also lay the groundwork for them to be critical thinkers and activists.

While completing their core political science and international relations courses, students majoring in our program are given the opportunity to focus on a variety of concentration areas in line with their own interests and choices with the guidance provided by their academic advisors throughout the academic year. They have access to courses both from departmental elective tracks such as international politics; international law and security studies; international political economy; political and international relations theory; comparative political studies; Turkish politics and foreign policy; area studies; and faculty elective tracks such as global management and institutions; gender studies; Turkish economics and politics; and European Union Studies. The students are also offered a variety of University elective courses in a wide ranging academic spectrum which further contribute to their knowledge accumulation and intellectual background and will be encouraged to learn at least one foreign language before graduation.

"By far the most important practical problem facing the world … is that of international relations – more specifically the prevention of global war. The second is that if intellectual progress is to be made in this area, the study of international relations must be made an interdisciplinary enterprise, drawing its discourse from all the social sciences and even further." Kenneth Boulding